I should of made a post before taking off for the con this year, but for some reason again I didn't pack till the last second, and was up till past 2 in the morning trying to make shirts to promote 30rockquotes.net
I was surprised how fast passes sold out this year and I missed out on a 4 day pass and had to buy all days separate. I was hoping they would be nice and just give me the 4 day pass, but no they wanted me to come back everyday and get a pass. They did let me into preview night so at least they didn't take that away.
First thing I did was visit Katie Cook so I could put in my order for art. It really turned out amazing. I got a full fett, and a bunch of mini paintings. Also picked up her sketch books. next I visited Grant Gould. I pre ordered a fett from him that's pretty awesome as well. I visited a couple of other artists. Got a sketch of Guile from one of the street fighter artists. Later in the show i got a fett sketch from the Fillbach Brothers, and a sketch card of fett from John Watkins-Chow. My goal this year was to visit artists and get some cool stuff, They were all very nice, and I'm real happy with what I got :)

On Thursday I spent just under 4 hours dealing with the Hasbro toyshop line. First a line to get a ticket to get in the line at the booth. Then around the booth a couple times before zig zaging toward the counter. Quite a pain, but I got the stuff we were after so it was cool. My little pony, littlest pet shop, muggs, baroness, and destro.
Got the rest of the collectible exclusives I was after as well as the show went on. LOST Ben bobble head, Guile figure, Ghostbusters minimates, and a couple other cool items.
On the floor they had a real nice display of custom mighty muggs (my favorite collectable) that are going to go up for charity soon. Another cool spot was a display of props from across all 5 seasons of LOST. That was one thing i sadly missed getting pics from.
Katie Cook's Custom Wampa. So awesome

One of the biggest highlights of the show for me was meeting Elizabeth Mitchell. She was doing a signing for her new show V. She was really nice. Talked a little LOST. How bummed I was about what happened in the finale. I tried to get a pic, but it ended up very blurry, she offered to take again, but I knew it wouldn't get any better. It was really great to meet her though :)

On Thursday night we were lucky enough to be the first to see the world premiere, no hollywood premiere, of District 9. Peter Jackson was there to introduce the first time director Neill Blomkamp and actor Sharlto Copley. I read a article on the way down to the con on how it was the halo movie, it wasn't but it really was amazing. Best Sci-fi movie i've seen in a long time. Has a Little feel of the office/cloverfield/alien nation. It really is great though. I plan to see it again in theaters. I got to meet Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan who were there as well for the screening. I told Dominic it would be great to see him on LOST again, and he said you never know. Then later at the LOST Panel he showed up. ha!
District 9 star Sharlto Copley, Kevin, and I

Later that night we came across one of the coolest things at the con. Flynn's Arcade. Which was a tron experience to promote the upcoming tron film. We arrived just in time to see them revel the sign. It was at a random building around the corner from our hotel. It was like a 80's arcade with the games to play for free. Blasting 80's music. After about 15 minutes the place started to shake and the back of the arcade opened up to a hall of concept art for the film, and at the end they had one of the light bikes. Got Cool T shirts of flynn's arcade and flynn lives. They had a experience like this for alice in wonderland, but i missed it. we got pics of it though.

Friday was starwars day. I started off trying to get into Where the wild things are panel in H. It was part of the WB panel. Kevin and I were literally the last 2 people they cut off before wild things started. Super Bummed. I went right to the WB booth when the kid, who's name happens to be max just like the character, was doing a limited signing. They weren't taking a line for it, but if you just stood around and ignored them you could slowly work your way when they did open a line. It was nice to get that signing since they weren't giving out anything else wild things the rest of the show. From there i went to The Star Wars Panels the rest of the day. The voice actors one was cool since they did a read through in character of the first scene from the upcoming season. The old republic videogame panel didn't give much info. Sounds like a great game, but when I went up to the front after the panel ended they would give any info at all on a possible release date. The big starwars spectacular in the big hall H was hosted my Kevin and Olivia from G4. It turned out pretty much as i figured with Olivia hassling the guests. The preview for season 2 of the clonewars was great. Mando's woo! You can still see it online.

Saturday everything i did was in panels which made me feel like I was missing something elsewhere. First was LOST which was one of the best panels as usual. Gonna miss that one at the con. Not too many teases for the final season except a couple of videos where Hurley is advertising for Mr clucks saying what good luck he's had since going to Australia, and a Americas most wanted about Kate talking about how she tried to kill her step dad, but killed someone close to her. Sounds like a alt time line. Jorge who plays hurley was in the question line and asked if the bomb did work then all the past 5 seasons were for nothing. The writers replied that he would have to trust them. Emerson who plays Ben them showed up and started playfully insulting Jorge/Hurley. Nestor who plays Richard Alpert was there. The big one was Josh Holloway/Sawyer. He wanted the writers to show the page with the final scene for the audience. Emerson read it and it ended up being a fake heroes script. lol! They also showed a couple of funny fan videos.

I decided to sit through the rest of the panels that day so I wouldn't miss out on Ironman 2. Other panels included Solomon Kane, Zombieland, 2012, and Extract. That one was cool since Bateman was there. He spoke on the upcoming arrested development movie. He said they were writing it, but could take 6 weeks to 18 months to finish :/ Extract looks good too. Mike Judge film with a feel like office space set in a warehouse.
Ironman 2. Glad I waited for it. The place was completely full, and i think those that even showed up for the panel before (2012) didn't get in. I heard some of the people that went into the food area of hall h weren't let back in, and they only went 45 minutes instead of the full hour because of the fire Marshall. Jon Favreau, Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle, Scarlett Johansson, and Sam Rockwell attended. At first they showed a cheesy little ironman 2 next summer clip with no footage just the cast training. Downey Jr then demanded more for the people. You could tell it was clips set up just for the con. Pretty cool stuff. A scene with Downey Jr and Sam Jackson. The shot of Mickey Rourke as whiplash was real cool, whipping over and over. They ended it with a scene of Sam Rockwell showing weapons to Don Cheadle asking what he wants, with Cheadle replying "all of it" Then footage of War Machine unloading like crazy. So yeah Cool stuff :P

Last panel of Saturday was Weeds. Jenji Kohan, Justin Kirk, and Hunter Parrish attended. no info, footage, or anything. Still a good panel though. I was a little annoyed how many people at question time said they didn't know Jenji was a lady. Got my badge signed by Hunter Parrish.
Sunday I attended Katie Cook's how to draw star wars panel. It was fun, glad it wasn't full this year. It was last year, and i didn't want to take a seat from a kid. Did final last things on the floor, said bye and thanks to the artists I met.
Our first hotel was the gas lamp Marriott. It wasn't too far away and had a great view into petco park. The padres and marlins just happened to be playing when we got there. Had a cool little rooftop bar too that we visited the first night. On Friday we moved over to the Marriott right next to the convention center. More stars, and the amazing pool. Somehow it seemed further to me even though it was right next to. I guess cause it's opposite Hall H and we ended up in that line a couple times Friday and Saturday. We stayed a extra day this year. So it was nice to be able and enjoy the pool and hotel. Also visited the seaport village on monday before we left for the airport.

Ah Joel won big again this year. A cam corder from 2012. He won a ambassador spot to promote the film. Maybe he will end up with another prize.

So yeah wrote a ton again this year in which i don't count on anyone reading anything, but it will be fun for me to look back on. The con was great fun again this year, and I'm already looking forward to next year. :)
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