So last night I was on YouTube and saw the commercial for Red Band Society, advertising works! Who knew? Anyway onto my view point of the RBS pilot. First off, I loved how Charlie our narrator is actually a coma patient. Also i'm going to have to see if pizza really does help comas, I have a feeling it could work! Plus I have a couple theories about the dad/volunteer dude and Charlie's accident so hopefully we learn more about that soon.
Kara the cheerleader definitely has layers of skin to be removed. Drugs, smoking, and alcohol equals your typical "cray-cray" teenager. The girl who has no heart finally needs one to survive, very touching indeed. Making Kara realize she actually has to care about people other than herself. Her relationship with Nurse Jackson (Octavia Spencer!) is very humorous as well especially when she does her specific lunch order.
Jordi. Hmm very brave having the "balls" to find Dr. McAndrew with the cancer in his right leg and all. Leo and Emma have interesting history but stopped to due too much stress. Considering the touching dance moment near the end I suspect some Jordi and Emma love in the future. Honestly Emma is my favorite character right now, I love her humor! Jordi: "Your seriously twisted." Emma: "Not everyone appreciates it." Some inspiring words from Ruben and the leg goodbye party is on. Dash using Twilight as a pick up line on Nurse Dobler that was awkwardly hilarious especially because she has a boyfriend and a dog to get back to. And who could forget buying beer in Spanish! Later on, I love how Reuben, the doc, and Nurse Jackson converse about the roof party. Charlie's father finding out "none of this was your part" from Kara was cool.
The title Red Band Society is very sweet, each red bracelet represents different times Leo was in the hospital. My favorite line of the whole of the episode is *drum roll* "Your body isn't you. Your soul is you and they can never cut into your soul." which was Leo comforting Jordi about his upcoming leg surgery. Next week's preview showed what looked like a lot of mini clips from future episodes. No real spoilers on next Wednesday's episode but i'm still looking forward to next week's Red Band Society. Check out their twitter page and see all the hype! Til' next week, later!
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