A List that's always in motion. I'm always talking about what would be in my top movies and where new favorites would rank so i threw this list together. I might move a few up or down the ranks, but it gives a good idea.
1. Starwars - The series as a whole. In which i would rank empire, new hope, jedi, sith, clones, menace.

2. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

3. Tropic Thunder

4. Ghost World

5. Inception

6. Brick

7. Scott Pilgrim VS. the world

8. Lost In Translation

9. In Bruges

10 Zoolander

11. There will be blood

12. Fantastic Mr. Fox

13. The Truman Show

14 Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind

15. The Royal Tenenbaums

16. The Indiana Jones Series - The temple of doom,
17. The Harry Potter Series - Order of the phoenix,
18. The Bourne Identity - and others in series.
19. The Big Lebowski
20 Big Trouble in little china
21. Unbreakable
22. The Goonies
23. Anchorman
24. District 9
25. The Sixth Sense
26. Talladega Nights
27. Signs
28. The Green Mile
29. Hamlet 2
30. Back To The Future
31. Barbershop
32. Angels and Demons - Da Vinci Series
33. Swimming Pool
34. Groundhog Day
35. Juno
36. Vanilla Sky
37. Spirited Away
38. Be Kind Rewind
39. The Princess Bride
40. E.T.
41. Iron Man
42. Ghostbusters
43. Wall-E
44. Toy Story
45. Ocean's Eleven
46. Pulp Fiction
47. The Good, the bad, and the ugly
48. Kill Bill
49. The Lord Of The Rings Series
50. Forrest Gump